
April, 2024

Park & Sail

Despite the extreme winter weather, NY Waterway’s Park & Sail is the most reliable commuter option in the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan area. It’s the best way to ensure your trip is always a smooth one. While other mass transit options have had numerous shutdowns and delays, and driving has been a nightmare, NY Waterway ferries have operated every day this winter. Parking your car at the Port Imperial Terminal in Weehawken and enjoying an eight minute ferry ride to Manhattan’s 39th Street Terminal is always the best option.

Taking a car or bus across the George Washington Bridge during rush hour is almost certain to provide headaches and traffic jams. And paying to park in Manhattan can cost up to $50 a day. By turning off the New Jersey Turnpike at exit 78 and traveling the quick route down River Road to Port Imperial, commuters can cut their travel time significantly.

Parking at the Weehawken Terminal is offered for as little as $8 a day and a ferry ticket to Manhattan is just $9.00 – which is a steal for all the time you will save! Monthly passes are also available, bringing the cost per trip down to $6.50.

Crossing the Hudson River in a comfortable ferry is a much better way to start your day than inching across the GWB in stop-and-go traffic. For more information on Park & Sail, please visit www.nywaterway.com or call 1-800-53-FERRY (1-800-533-3779).

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